Whether we are consciously aware of them or not, every individual has a core set of personal values. Each of us is motivated to move our lives in certain directions. That motivation is determined by the values we subscribe to. It is what drives behaviour and attitudes. When practiced regularly enough, character is formed. Education Minister Mr. Heng Swee Keat spearheads a renewed emphasis on instilling character in schools today, explaining that "… student-centric, values-driven education" was now necessary, (because) globally, traditional social structures are breaking down."

Mr. Heng also reaffirms that sound personal values will give Singaporeans the grit and determination to succeed; social and moral values, such as respect, care and appreciation for others, will make them responsible.

We all know values and character is important. Good character coupled with academic excellence produces leaders. How do we engage students to create an environment for healthy character-building? How may we bring about not merely a change in their values and attitudes, but to maintain such learning? How can these be cultivated and sustained? We must look at the bigger picture: it needs to be practiced over time, and key people have to be involved in it. Imagine good, core values and character being reinforced everyday for a year – that is where a difference will be evident. And we propose making this change in a V.I.T.A.L. way.

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